Process Equipment


for multiple industries

At Prodek we offer equipment and solutions for a wide variety of industries in terms of processes, from heat exchangers to alcohol centrifuges.


specialized process equipment

With more than 30 years of experience in the sugar industry, at Prodek we offer specialized equipment and solutions for the sugar manufacturing process in every stage. We are experts in the sugar production process and we serve the needs of our clients in all stages, from the reception of the sugarcane, through the preparation and milling stage, up until the refining and packaging processes.

Pulp and Paper

specialized process equipment

We offer a complete line of products for the production of pulp and paper, manufactured in the United States with experience of almost 40 years in the manufacture of equipment for the paper industry, which allows us to guarantee the best value for money for the industry.

Starch and Sweeteners

specialized process equipment

At Prodek we have experience serving the Corn Starch and Sweeteners industry, providing the best equipment and solutions for all stages of the production process.

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